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Cancer Survivor of 10 Years Fired From Work Within 15 Minutes of Mentioning Surgery Needed

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A former contract worker was fired “within 15 minutes” of the company finding out about the surgery they needed. The employee, a cancer survivor of 10 years, revealed their contract-to-hire was cancelled three months early because it’d take at least a couple for them to return to work.The story came to light on the subreddit Antiwork, where the worker anonymously revealed how they ended up being out of work for the past month. According to the post, the worker sustained an injury on the job, but since they have a chronic condition, it doesn’t entitle them to compensation. “I’m a 10yr cancer survivor,” they explained. “To stabilise my jaw they put a bracket in place, but my cancer metastasized leading to a massive amount of radiation going to that area weakening the bone. Finally about a month ago while working (customer service on phones all day), I felt a pop. That pop was the bracket breaking off of my jaw and now I have a screw scraping my jaw instead of holding it together.”All this time, the contractee has been unpaid due to the terms of their employment. However, it wasn’t until “yesterday” that they found out how long it would be until they are in working condition again.The doctor estimated at least two months, since the postoperative recovery alone takes about six weeks. It could take another month to get the patient back on schedule.“I have not heard a word from the company this entire time, only 3 contacts from the Account Manager seeing how I’m feeling, and getting appointment updates. Within 15 minutes of receiving my note detailing the surgery, this company decided to abruptly end my contract,” the post read.Not only has the worker yet to receive their final paycheck, they said getting fired has also ended their health insurance, which means they have to get Medicaid before going for the surgery.

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